Scripture Reading - Matthew 6:25 & 31a

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, ... KJV

When studying the subject of “thoughts” we must explain the lifecycle of “thoughts” in more detail. We have mentioned that “thoughts” come from spirits and souls. “Thoughts” are in all things both godly and ungodly. Yes, thoughts come from divine beings, human beings, evil beings, animals, plants and living organisms in Heaven, Earth and beneath the Earth. The reach of “thought” is unsearchable for men because to know the limitations of “thought” would be to know the limitations of God’s Creation. Although we are focusing primarily on the “thoughts” of men and God there is a define adversary in this world. This enemy of man is the reason Jesus explains in verse 25 to, “Take no thought for common everyday things in the earth”. The Lord is not saying never think about your life, food, drinks or clothing. Jesus is instructing us not be anxious or worried about the common things on the earth. The thought of things won’t usually hurt you but to worry about things will cause stress in your life. This stress will definitely work against your physical body and soul. Fear produced by worry is the root cause of many aliments in the earth. Yes, even the Holy Word of God proclaims in 1 John 4:18 that fear has torment. Stress is an offspring of fear so when worry comes it is already pregnant with evil problems. Someone may say, “Can a single thought cause all these problems in the earth?” The answer is “No” but the combination of evil thoughts or a single thought that is given life can kill a person prematurely on this earth. This brings us to verse 31, which teaches us that “thoughts” can remain unborn (limp, lifeless, non-productive) if they are not spoken. Yes, we take a “thought” by repeating it with our mouth. So to speak good words contrary to an evil thought is the same as casting it down. Thoughts are not subject to gravity so they will try to come back to you, therefore you must be very diligent with your tongue. You must “encourage good thoughts” to come to you by speaking them and at the same time “discourage evil thoughts” by resisting them in the Name of Jesus. Remember a controlled tongue will only speak good, thus giving birth to all good things. However, the reverse is also true when it comes to “thoughts” of man. If you constantly think-on and speak evil you are destroying your life by not realizing the poison of your tongue. Since death and life are in the power (authority) of the tongue you should chose wisely your vocabulary knowing that the language of life is the only “thoughts” you should take by specifically speaking them out loud. Therefore, vocally take (speak) the “good thoughts of God” and reject by vocal resistance (or silence) all the “thoughts of evil”. Thus preserving your spirit, soul and body for the glory of God in Jesus Name. Amen!